| December 2023 | Issue No. 20 |
|  | PCC’s Storytelling Show Now Viewable Online Looking for holiday viewing entertainment? We suggest the Primary Care Coalition’s 2023 Storytelling Show, Stronger Together, now available online. Six true stories told by PCC staff and partners in an entertaining, funny, and heartwarming way offer inspiration for overcoming challenges and gaining strength from others. In-person audience members were wowed, and the stories are just as captivating in the video, so don’t miss the telling. This year's storytellers include PCC President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Graham, who talks about how she found her lifelong tribe of friends after immigrating from Canada as a child and realizing that as a transplant, she didn’t immediately fit in. She tells her story with humor and grace and wraps it up with a rousing dance number you won’t want to miss. |
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|  | PCC to Survey Approximately 450 Clients as Part of its Network Adequacy Study The Primary Care Coalition (PCC) is conducting a county-funded Network Adequacy Study to determine if the Montgomery Cares healthcare system for uninsured residents meets patient needs for locations, services, and language capabilities and to understand better what an adequate network should look like. As part of the study, patients are surveyed to identify gaps across the network and learn more about their healthcare experiences and challenges. |
| |  | County Recreation Offers $400 Scholarships for Care for Kids and Other Eligible Residents Montgomery County residents who participate in the Care for Kids program or receive public assistance are eligible to apply for the County Recreation Department’s 2024 Rec Assist program, which provides $400 to each individual to cover the costs of recreation classes, activities, and memberships during the 2024 calendar year. Funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. |
| |  | County Offers Tips on How to Stay Healthy and Safe This Winter Montgomery County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS) offers tips on how to stay healthy and safe this winter. At the top of the list is having a well-stocked emergency kit for your home, office, and vehicle and being prepared to shelter in place for three days if a snowstorm disrupts normal activities. |
| |  | Holiday Generosity with Financial Wisdom: Navigating Year-End Giving and Tax Benefits The end of the year is fast approaching, and the Greater Washington Community Foundation offers a reminder that time is running out to make charitable giving decisions that can impact your 2023 taxes. The 2023 standard deduction is $13,850 for single taxpayers and $27,700 for married taxpayers who file jointly. The standard deductions are 7% higher than in 2022, which allows some relief for taxpayers but makes it harder to exceed the standard levels. If you are at or under those amounts, you and your advisors may determine that your high income means you could benefit from increasing your deductions. |
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 | December 26, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Chess Club, for all skill levels and ages, Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library, Silver Spring. December 29, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., How to Use eBooks – eBook and Audio Book Help Sessions. Reserve a one-on-one appointment by calling 240-773-9410 or stop by. Aspen Hill Library, Silver Spring. January 7, 2:30-3:00 p.m., Sensory Friendly Storytime at Germantown – In person, for children up to age 12 who prefer smaller groups due to sensory processing disorders. Germantown Library, Germantown. Registration is required. Register here. January 10, 8 p.m., Embrace Love in the New Year: A Heartfelt Conversation with Rebecca Serle. A virtual talk with the New York Times bestselling author of “One Italian Summer,” “In Five Years,” and “The Dinner List.” Register here. Montgomery Parks offers public ice skating schedules at the Cabin John Ice Rink and Wheaton Ice Arena. Lessons are also available at Cabin John and Wheaton. |
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|  | The Care and Feeding of PCC By Stephanie Narayanan, Dir. of Development and External Relations, PCC Pre-pandemic, when interviewees asked PCC staff what they loved most about working at PCC, the answer was almost always the potluck. It’s an answer I was given and one I’ve also used. This year, after a three-year break, PCC’s November potluck returned. And it did not disappoint. Given that the potluck return coincided with the tail end of our 30th anniversary celebrations, I wondered what the potluck as a tradition said about PCC as an organization. To find out, I asked several long-time PCCers for their PCC memories, potluck traditions, and what has anchored them to this organization for so many years. |
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