| January 2025 | Issue No. 33 |
| Search Underway for Next PCC CEO On Friday, January 3, 2025 PCC began the search for our next President and Chief Executive Officer. The desired qualifications include a strong background in community or population health, with nonprofit experience, exceptional leadership and management skills, a deep understanding of the value of community partnerships for improving health outcomes, and a commitment to economically disadvantaged residents of Montgomery County, Maryland and the State. Outgoing President and CEO Leslie Graham said, “Leading Primary Care Coalition has been the greatest opportunity of my life. I could not have dreamt of a more fitting professional outlet for my personal passions. I am grateful for our board’s trust, guidance, and encouragement, which have enabled my growth and the growth of our organization. Primary Care Coalition is a special place—where dedicated professionals lead with our hearts to improve healthcare and health outcomes for our community.” Read more for the full job description, and please share with your networks. |
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| | PCC Honors Two Employees With Mary C. Jackson Awards The Primary Care Coalition recognized two employees last month during its holiday luncheon on December 10 in Silver Spring for significantly enhancing vulnerable residents' access to healthcare. Tabitha Gingerich and Liza Greenberg were each awarded the 2024 Mary C. Jackson Award, named for an early staff member who helped build the organization’s “Good Works, Done Well” culture. Gingerich and Greenberg received an engraved gift from Tiffany’s and were given the choice of a small cash award or a donation to a favorite nonprofit. The Mary C. Jackson Award selection process is competitive. Nominations must be submitted by someone other than the nominee. Applicants are evaluated on how they have impacted the health of the underserved population, their commitment to serving a PCC community, the compassion and care they demonstrate in serving those in need, their engagement and enthusiasm, and their track record of collaboration within PCC and the community. Although the award is usually presented to one individual, two employees deserved the honor, so two awards were presented. |
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| | Meet Tabitha Gingerich Tabitha Gingerich is the Clinical Lead for Specialty Care for the Primary Care Coalition (PCC) Project Access, ensuring that vulnerable adults in the community get the healthcare they need. She also coordinates with the Montgomery Cares health centers, working to get them generic medicines their patients need for chronic conditions like diabetes, heart conditions, and thyroid issues, as well as for infections and shorter-term treatments. Gingerich joined PCC three years ago but has lived in the area for about ten years. She grew up in Northeastern Ohio, then went to college and worked in Harrisburg, Virginia, and the Shenandoah Valley region. She migrated to Washington, D.C., when she met her husband, Keith. She is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) with a master’s in nursing. Her first job when she arrived in this area was as a nurse at Joseph’s House, a small nonprofit medical respite care facility for people living with HIV and end-stage cancers. |
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|  | What We're Watching in Annapolis It is, once again, a tough budget year, and we do not expect sweeping new initiatives out of the state legislature this year. But there are important opportunities for forward movement we’re watching, including: HB 665/SB 328 Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance – Annual Behavioral Health Wellness Visits – Coverage and Reimbursement What it does: Requires public and private insurers to reimburse providers for annual behavioral health wellness assessments. |
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 | Sunday, February 2, 2:00-2:45p.m., Culture Queens: Black History Live. Celebrate Black History Month by attending a modern-day Josephine Baker-inspired performance that entertains and educates about African American History. Germantown Library, 19840 Century Boulevard, Germantown, MD 20874. Sunday, February 2, 4:00-5:50p.m., Sunday Chess Matches hosted by the Rockville Chess Club will be open to the public. Bring your chess set and clock if you have them. An adult must accompany kids under 14. Rockville Memorial Library, 21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850. Saturday, February 8, 11:00a.m.-3:00p.m., Black History Month Family Day, hosted by Montgomery Parks inside Woodlawn Manor House. Free activities include compass making, mapping your family tree, and sharing what freedom means. Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park, 16501 Norwood Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860. Saturday, February 22, 1:00-3:30p.m., Speed Dating with a Disability, for individuals interested in meeting new people and building meaningful relationships. Hosted by Independence Now at the Greenbelt Community Center, 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770. Please register by February 8 by contacting Chosyn Gaskins at cgaskins@innow.org or 240-945-2168. Request any special accommodations needed to participate at that time. |
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| | | A copy of our current financial statement is available upon request by contacting: 8757 Georgia Ave 10th Floor| Silver Spring, MD 20910 Question? Email us at stephanie_narayanan@primarycarecoalition.org or call 301-628-3456 Documents and information submitted to the State of Maryland under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary. |
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